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Player Unknown’s Battleground MM418 compatibility

You may have received a blocking message from Player Unknown’s Battleground’s game client, while playing with our MM418. On this page we will explain what is happening and how can you enjoy PUBG with our gaming mouse.

1. Why can’t I play PUBG with my MM418?

If you have received an error message while using our MM418, don’t worry: your mouse is perfectly fine! The developer team of PUBG is trying to avoid any advantage related to hardware or software to offer a better competitive experience to their users by limiting the use of macros and similar functions. The message appearing on the screen is related to an anti-cheating security measure able to detect gaming mice equipped with multiple programmable buttons, and it blocks the entrance to the game client to any player using with this kind of device until an allowed mouse is connected. Therefore, many gaming mice from many manufacturers have been blocked when playing PUBG with them. Here you can find a link to PUBG’s support website talking about the issue.

2. Can I use my Mars Gaming mouse with PUBG?

Our MM418 is 100% compatible with Player Unknown’s Battleground and similar games, also having powerful features recommended for these titles. On this page, we are providing you with an easy fix so you can enjoy PUBG with our gaming mouse without compatibility errors with the game client. Follow these steps:

3. I still can’t log in PUBG after installing your fix!

Our patch allows you to play without compatibility between PUBG and the MM418 gaming mouse.

If you keep receiving the same message even after using our fix, you are probably using programmable macros in-game or using any software/device considered cheating by the PUBG dev team. To use our mice without confusions and problems, we strongly recommend you to not use programmable macros or similar features while playing Player Unknown’s Battleground to avoid confusions.

From Mars Gaming, we strictly condemn the use of any kind of software or feature that gives the player an unfair advantage in competitive environment, and we support every measures oriented to create a fair and kind context for every player.

If you still have doubts about our products and similar errors to this one, contact our technical support and we will be glad to help you:


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